Year 2 2024 - 2025
Class Teacher:
Mrs Bonney
Learning Support Assistants:
Miss Appleton, Mrs Kime
Welcome to Year 2
Thank you for visiting our page. Here you will find information on timetables, homework and details of your child’s learning (on the additional tabs). If you have any questions, you can arrange an appointment by contacting the office. We hope you have had a lovely break over Christmas and are ready to start another busy term in year 2!
Homework Expectations
Please ensure children complete the following homework weekly:
Reading – Children need to read their RWI or levelled reading books at least 3 times a week at home for around 15 minutes. We would expect for them to finish the book they are given within the week so that they can be changed every Friday. If your child does not finish their book, they will need to wait until the following Friday to have it changed. Reading records need to be signed by an adult, including the date and numbers of pages read. If your child has finished the book, please indicate this so it can be changed.
We also encourage children to read books for pleasure with you at home. These can be borrowed from school or can be books/magazines you have at home. Reading before bedtime is a lovely way to wind down after a busy day and allows for precious bonding time with your child. Please let us know what books your have enjoyed reading together using the book list pages in your child’s reading record.
Times Tables – Children are required to know their 2, 5 and 10 times tables by the end of Key Stage 1. Please access Times Tables Rockstars and/or Numbots to practise these (Links in the 'Maths' tab). This knowledge will support them in their arithmetic skills ready for Year 2. If you need a reminder of your child’s login details, please ask a member of staff and we can send this home.
SPAG - We are currently trailing a new teaching and learning platform called 'Century' so, for the next few months, children will be set Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar tasks via this platform. Each Friday, tasks will be set and are required to be complete by the folloiwng Friday. There will also be an 'optional' maths task for children to complete.
Here is the link to access Century Online Learning Platform:
PE – Children will have PE every Tuesday with Mrs Bonney and Thursday afternoon whilst Mrs Bonney has PPA time. Please come in to school wearing PE kits on these days according to school policy.
Files to Download
Year 2: Events items
Nerf Club (KS1), by Miss Hitchmough
Gilchrist Sports Multi-Skills (All Years), by Miss Hitchmough
Gilchrist Sports Football (All Years), by Miss Hitchmough