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Year 1 2024 - 2025

Class Teachers:

Miss Parry (all day Monday and Tuesday plus Wednesday morning)

Mrs Hollman (Thursday & Friday)

Mrs Gill (Maternity leave)

Learning Assistant:

Mrs Greenall

Welcome to Spring 2 in Year 1!

Welcome back after the half term break.  We hope you all had a lovely rest with the children.  Miss Parry, Mrs Greenall and myself are all looking forward to this new half term.  In the run upto Easter, we have got our Knowsley Safari Park trip, Phonics club, Assessment week and lots of phonics practise as well as all of our usual lessons.   Miss Parry will continue to teach the children on Monday, Tuesday all day and a Wednesday morning.   Mrs Hollman will continue on a Thursday and Friday in class, but she will be in on a Wednesday too.    

If you have any questions or queries, please feel free to see either of us or arrange an appointment by contacting the office. 



Miss Parry will teach the class all day Monday and Tuesday, plus a Wednesday morning. Mrs Hollman will be in school on Wednesday and will be teaching on Thursday and Friday. Mrs Greenall, our learning assistant, works all day everyday. Our PPA will be covered on a Wednesday afternoon by either Mr Goulding from Gilcrest Sport (PE) or Mrs Pullen (Science) 

On a Friday afternoon, the children will have the opportunity for ‘Show & Tell’. This is where they can bring in special objects, photographs or certificates from home to share with the class and talk about why they have brought them in. Please ensure that items are not big. Due to the short amount of time that we have for this within the timetable, each colour team will take it in turns each week. Our timetable for Show and Tell is on the Year 1 door.

Spring  Show & Tell

28.2.25 Yellow
7.3.25 Green
14.3.25 Red
21.3.25 Blue
28.3.25 Yellow
4.4.25 Green

















Phonics: Please practise your sounds with your child in preperation for the phonics screening check in June. 

Reading: It is important that the children read daily.  They will all have 1 'Book bag book'  and 1 RWI book (these will both get changed on a Friday).  Children who have finished the RWI programme will have a different levelled reading book.  All children should have their reading books and reading records in school daily.  Children who do NOT read a minimum of 3 times within the week will have to 'catch up' on their reading on a Friday morning playtime.  We aim for every child to read to an adult within school at least once a week (this does not count towards their 3 home reads). 

Every child will also bring home a pleasure book.  This needs to be in school on a Friday-so it can be changed.  No pleasure books or Book bag books will be changed until the child has brought back the book they've recently borrowed. 

Numbots: It is important that each child practises their Maths skills on Numbots. 


Y1 Common Exception word list: This is the list of words your child is expected to be able to read and spell by the end of this academic year. Year-1-Common-Exception-Words

Files to Download

Year 1: Events items

Nerf Club (KS1), by Miss Hitchmough