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Mental Health and Wellbeing

How does Rainford Brook Lodge look after mental health and wellbeing?

At Rainford Brook Lodge, we are committed to nurturing the mental health and wellbeing of both children and staff.

Life will have its ups and downs and so we all need strategies to deal with the changes and the challenges.

Our approach to mental wellbeing and mental health is graduated, though there is flexibility, and all cases are considered on an individual basis.

In the first instance, we have a whole school approach, these include the following strategies:

  • Events to provide positive experiences including treat days (linked to our Behaviour for Learning policy); singing together; talent competitions; VIPs and recognising when the children have been 'MAGIC'

  • Worry boxes for children to articulate their concerns

  • PSHE Curriculum which covers aspects of both staying both physically and mentally healthy Physical activities/range of curriculum opportunities

  • Range of extra-curricular club opportunities

  • Equipment used a play times to support physical and emotional well being

  • Intra school competitions during lunch led by coach

  • Inclusive texts and stories

  • Assemblies focused on wellbeing (including some delivered by the MHST team

  • School Council to give children a voice on some issues

  • All staff trained in how to spot the signs in children’s mental health

  • Designated staff are trained in Mental Health

  • St Helens Mental Health Team on site during Parents’ Evenings

  • Workshops delivered by the MHST Team

  • We offer Education Support which can support staff with advice, individual support and counselling for all our staff

We want school to be a safe, secure and happy environment for our children and staff. We are proud of our offer to cater for children's needs both within our curriculum and in our extra-curricular activities too.

The next tier of support would be as follows:

Possible low-level intervention –

· Class teacher time

· Check ins throughout the day

· Lunchtime support

· Observations of relationships out on the playground

· Self-esteem building during unstructured times of the day with MHST Lead

· Increased dialogue with parents · Consider accessing Family Hubs St Helens Family Information Directory | Family Hub

Possible medium-level interventions

· Consider case discussion with MHST (Mental Health Support Team)

· Care plan devised with short term goals

· Further family support and signposting · Consider the local offer St Helen's Wellbeing · Consider accessing the Family Hubs St Helens Family Information Directory | Family Hub

Possible high-level intervention

· Mental Health Support Team engagement (1:1 sessions)

· Early Help considered – pastoral link made with parents; possible access to relevant external agencies

· Refer to CAMHS

· Refer to school nurse

· Consider multi-agency meetings · Consider options on the local offer St Helen's Wellbeing

Below are some techniques for your child to support healthy mindfulness

Useful Websites

Kind to Your Mind

Kind to Your Mind is a website which can help support the mental health and wellbeing of people living and working in Cheshire and Merseyside.

We all need to be kind to ourselves. Stress, anxiety, and other daily challenges to mental health and wellbeing are now hallmarks of modern life. That’s why the Champs Public Health Collaborative and the NHS have been working hard to share a range of local services and resources designed to help community members feel more resilient, more positive, and more themselves. Lots of us suffer in silence but we shouldn’t. Support is out there, and you can help us make sure that more people who need it can find it.

On the Kind to Your Mind website, you will find a range of useful resources to help you through. If you are looking for tips, services, advice, apps or even online courses to help with your mental wellbeing – there is something on the website for you. Explore the collection of wellbeing tools designed to help you be kind to your mind today

Kind to Your Mind was created to connect people who are struggling with their mental health and wellbeing with tips, advice and support in all forms, from apps and online courses, to crisis intervention. By directing people towards local services and resources tailored to them, we can ensure people across our community know that support is out there and feel more in control.

To find out more, visit:

Live Well Directory

The Live Well Directory is a free website that connects people in St Helens Borough, Liverpool, and Knowsley with a wide range of support services. It provides easy access to local wellbeing and health services, advice and guidance, as well as information on joining community events, activities, and groups. A recently added dedicated button highlights local services aimed at reducing social isolation and loneliness, making it easier for users to find organisations that offer support, and a welcoming community. The directory also features a 'What's On' calendar, listing local events with a focus on wellbeing, helping people find fun things to do and stay connected - We’re actively working on adding more Children and Young People’s services, many more pages are on the way.