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Everyone Matters Schools Trust


In November 2023, Rainford Brook Lodge Community Primary School joined the Everyone Matters Schools Trust. Since that time, we have developed even closer links to Rainford High School, who are founder members of the trust, and are working in collaboration with other schools within the trust: Billinge Chapel End Primary School and Upholland High School.

In 12 months, we have engaged with the trust on a Diversity day, UN Climate day, Anti bullying workshops, Environmental awareness day and meeting our local MP. We also gain access to the high school's auditorium for end of Year 6 productions as well as access to minibuses for transport to sports tournaments. The trust has even funded our new outdoor provision in Early Years.

We are at the beginning of a journey with the trust and one it which shared resources, opportunities and staff expertise can really benefit the children at Rainford Brook Lodge. We definitely feel that 'Everyone Matters' in our trust. Click on the link to find out more details about the trust Everyone Matters Schools Trust.