At Rainford Brook Lodge, we follow the National Curriculum and aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum for our pupils. Within the prescribed curriculum there is some flexibility about what to study and where this is the case we have planned carefully to ensure our curriculum is designed bespoke to the needs of our community. Our curriculum is accessible to all regardless of any SEND needs.
Rainford is a small community that we value and our curriculum reflects that with our Geography and History curriculum using the locality of Rainford for children to study. Slightly further afield, we have the Rainhill trials, Mining and in Liverpool, the Battle of the Atlantic, which both feature in our History curriculum.
Children in our locality grow up in a broadly monocultural area and so whilst we celebrate that culture with visits to the CE church at Easter and Christmas and engage with the community on ‘Walking Day’ and during Rainford in Bloom, there is a need for some of our children to learn about other cultures and faiths. With that in mind, our following of the Locally Agreed Syllabus in RE allows children to learn about Hinduism and Islam (as well as other faiths) as these are the faiths with the largest populations behind Christianity in the North West. Althouh we would hope that all parents allow ther child to study RE, parents/carers do have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE if they wish.
We also ensure that in history we study Baghdad in AD900 as a way of promoting a positive view of Islamic society. We also study slavery in History and how this led, in part, to the growth of Liverpool.
We want our curriculum to reflect the wider cultural community in Britain and give children the knowledge of other times, faiths and cultures that they may not engage with in their immediate locality.
Our curriculum is sequenced carefully to ensure that knowledge and skills are built on to clear end points.
Teachers are encouraged to not only plan via a long-term plan to ensure coverage but also to plan on a short term basis to ensure that we cater for every child’s needs, every day. Our Behaviour for Learning policy and policies linked to Teaching and Learning and Feedback encourage children and staff to work together on children’s learning.
Please look at both our long term plans and class pages for further details of our curriculum. If you require any further information, then please contact the class teacher.