Year 5 2024 - 2025
Class Teacher: Mr L Moore
Learning Support Assistant: Mrs M Eden and Miss T Boulton
Thank you for visiting our page. Here you will find information on timetables, homework, general expectations and details of your child’s learning. If you have any questions, you can arrange an appointment by contacting the office.
Spring 2
Year 5 have PE on Tuesday morning and Wednesday afternoon. During Tuesday's session, Mr Moore will take the class and during Wednesday's session, a coach from Gilchrist Sports will take the class whilst Mr Moore will have his time out of class. Please ensure children come to school in their school PE kit on these days. Children will not be allowed to participate in the lesson if they are not wearing the correct kit. If there are reasons why your child cannot take part in these lessons, a written note must detail the reasons why. Mr Moore will be out of class on Wednesday for management time. Gilchrist Sports and Mrs Pullen will be taking the class during this time.
Trips and Visits
We have a trip scheduled on 23rd April to Cobble Hey Farm in Garstang. We will visit here to learn more about what life is like on a farm, fieldwork for geography and food production for our D.T. topic.
Homework Expectations
Spellings - Spelling patterns/rules are taught using the ‘Pathways to Spell’ scheme. The pupils will only be tested on their spellings at the end of each half term using a selection of common exception words. Your child will no longer bring home spelling homework and this will instead be replaced by English skills homework set on Century.
Century - Your child will be assigned 5 'nuggets' each week which relate to either spelling, grammar or punctuation objectives from our English curriculum to complete on Century (an educational website that adapts to each child's needs and ability). Each pupils will have two assignments each week; one assignment is compulsary and covers English objectives; the other assignment is based on Maths objectives and this is optional.
Here is the link to access Century Online Learning Platform:
Reading - Your child will have a levelled (or free reader book) and pleasure book. Your children needs to read their levelled (or free reader) reading books at least 4 times a week at home for around 15 minutes. Reading records need to be signed by an adult, including the date and numbers of pages read. If your child has finished the book, please indicate this so it can be changed.
We also encourage children to read books for pleasure with you at home. These can be borrowed from school or can be books/magazines you have at home. Reading before bedtime is a lovely way to wind down after a busy day and allows for precious bonding time with your child. Please let us know what books your have enjoyed reading together using the book list pages in your child’s reading record.
Times Tables - Children will be expected to be really confident in all their times tables (up to the 12 times table) by the start of Year 5. During Years 5 and 6 they will become confident in multiplying larger numbers (four-digits by two-digits, for example). Please access Times Tables Rockstars for 45 minutes across the week (Link below). This knowledge will support them in their arithmetic skills. If you need a reminder of your child’s login details, please ask a member of staff and we can send this home. Children will complete an arithmetic test every Friday morning. Children will also complete a times tables test every Thursday morning.
Year 5: Events items
Gilchrist Sports Multi-Skills (All Years), by Miss Hitchmough
Gilchrist Sports Football (All Years), by Miss Hitchmough
Gilchrist Sports Gymnastics (All Years), by Miss Hitchmough