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Foundation Subjects


Second World War (Liverpool link)

During this topic, children will start by exploring the Second World War’s impact closer to Rainford, in Liverpool and surrounding areas. We will explore how the war effected life here and will compare life during the war to modern life now. We will also visit ‘Western Approaches’ in Liverpool as part of this topic.



Hindu dharma

Focus Question: What might Hindu’s learn from stories about Krishna?



In computing, we will learn about flowcharts using the web app: Flowol.

We will see the importance of using different symbols and instructions whilst including variables. We will discover inputs and outputs than can affect the working of a continuous design e.g. a lighthouse’s light and a set of traffic lights.




Talking about the weather

Learn the vocabulary for the different weather types; interpreting a weather map and creating one; role playing whilst weather forecasting and learning structures with “when” e.g. when it is hot.. I do…

Spanish will be delivered by a specialist modern foreign language teacher from Rainford High School. 


Composing and Chords

If we play three or more pitches together, we can create chords in music. Chords provide the basis for accompaniment in music. By using chords in compositions, we can create music that is really interesting. In this unit, we will create an accompaniment, and the composition extension activities will help us to learn about chords.


D.T. – Mechanism

Pop up book

We will produce a plan for each page of a pop-up book; produce the structure of the book; assemble the components necessary for all mechanisms of the structure of the book whilst hiding them; and make it interactive for the reader whilst illustrating the story.