We are very proud of the offer we make to parents and children at Rainford Brook Lodge and are confident in the quality of education that we deliver, but occasionally you may be in a position where you have concerns and wish to make a complaint.
We would always encourage you to speak directly to the class teacher first if you have any concerns in order to resolve the situation, but for further guidance on what procedures to take, please refer to the two policies below.
‘Parents / carers wishing to discuss any aspects of their child’s progress should, in the first instance, make an appointment to speak with the Class Teacher (if you are not a parent/guardian of the child then please direct your complaint to the Headteacher). If you wish to pursue the matter then please refer to the policy.
Please note that the Complaints Policy does not cover SEND and so please refer to the SEND policy and contact our SENDCO n the event of any issues.