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Foundation Subjects

Spring 2


We will be learning all about The Beatles! This will explore where they came from, why there were and still are famous and what impact they had on music and fashion across the world. Later in the year we will consolidate our learning with a visit to the Beatles Museum in Liverpool. 

Religious Education

We will explore Islam this half term. We will explore their beliefs and practices, inclduing places of worship and specific prayers. We will learn about the five pillars of Isalm and what they mean.


We will have our online saftey lesson first, followed by our programming lessons. We will learn how to program a sprite on Turtle Logo and Scratch Junior. We will learn about debugging.


PE will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays each week. This will be taught by Mrs Bonney and Gilchrist Sports. This half term is dance and ball skills.  

Art Week

We will be learning about paint and mixed media. We will explore primary colours, colour mixing and will desing and create a collage using a variety of resources.


This unit focuses on hearing different sounds. We will learn how different sounds can be sung or played at the same time, creating harmony.


Our first lesson will be from the No Outsiders programme, focusing on what a good friend looks like.  Then our lessons will explore what money is, how to look after and how to spend it wisely.