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Foundation Subjects




Topic (History)

During this half term, children will be focussing on the Romans. Children will learn about the spread of the Roman Empire out of Italy and across large parts of Europe, parts of North Africa and West Asia. They will learn how Britain changed after the invasion and conquest by the Roman army in AD 43 and about the impact on daily life. Children will learn about the Roman legacy and will explore key historical terms such as 'empire', 'invasion' and 'conquest'. 

On Thursday 30th January, we will be visiting Deva Roman Experience in Chester where we will take a voyage back through time 2000 years ago to Roman Britannia!

The Romans - BBC Bitesize


We will start each half termly unit with an online safety lesson, in which children will learn about the risks of the internet, and how to keep themselves safe online. Safer Internet Day will be held on Tuesday 11th February 2025 and during this week, children will be completing activities in relation to how to stay safe online.

We will then move on to our Turtle Logo unit which will support children in how to create an algorithm to program a procedure. Children will be reminded of the basic commands and how to repeat alongside a variable. They will then be shown how to program their own procedures, use colour and set the position of the turtle using coordinates. In the concluding lesson, children will use the arc command to create patterns using different shapes and randomly selected colours, which they will be then encouraged to share with the rest of the class.

Online Safety

Turtle Logo


At Brook Lodge we are fortunate enough to have our own Modern Foreign Languages teacher, Miss Zarain. This half term's unit is called Desayuno en el café  (At the Café) and throughout this unit, children will learn the vocabulary for ordering drinks and will be introduced to vocabulary in relation to breakfast foods. Children will integrate the food and drink language together in a café role play and complete a class survey and use the data for numeracy.

Food and Drinks at the Café


Throughout this academic year, Y4 will be playing the Flute as part of the Wider Opportunities Programme delivered by a music specialist from the St Helen's music Hub.

A Glossary of Musical Terms

Design and Technology

In our D&T topic this half term, will be making a slingshot car. Children will be working independently to produce an accurate, functioning car chassis, produce panels that will fit the chassis, construct a car body effectively and conduct a trial accurately, drawing conclusions and improvements from results. 

Slingshot Cars


During the Spring term, children will be learning all about; Living in the Wider World (Belonging to a community and media literacy and digital resilience). Children will learn about what makes a community and the shared responsibilities of a community and how data is shared and used.

Relationships Education and Health Education


Children will be learning all about Sikhism this half term. In this unit, children will explore features of a Sikh practice which point to beliefs about God, the Gurus and human being. Children will explore The 5 Ks, equality and the Gurdwara.

Religious Education - BBC Bitesize


This half term, children will be developing their gymnastic skills and multi skills using apparatus . During our gymnastics lessons, children will learn how to dodge a defender under pressure, increase speed of passing within a team (pop passing), use tackling techniques (tagging) in game, display accurate kicking technique and pass, catch and kick under pressure. Children will also learn how to understand gameplay and refine tactics.

In our multi skills lessons, children will  use combinations of balancing, shapes, jumping etc., use these combinations on apparatus, demonstrate combinations with a partner (and on apparatus), create sequences using these combinations, learn how to throw the ball with accuracy and good technique, dodge and block the ball successfully and play and embrace the rules, being gracious in victory and defeat.

Physical Education - BBC Bitesize